Thursday, June 23, 2022 – Young Falcons Spar and Feed Together & Astrid and Ares Resume Short Ledge Displays

Percy watches Astrid fly overhead

Percy and Kara share a Pigeon on the bank roof

Percy looks at the camera


Astrid joins her young on the roof

Wednesday, June 22, 2022 – Mid-air Food Transfer Between Ares and Percy & The Young Peregrines Spend Time at the Nestbox

Kara & Percy hang out together on the bank roof after a big meal
Percy Chases after his sister
Percy and Kara share a meal
Percy and Kara engage in some “talon tag”
Percy flies around the bank
Percy & Kara spend a lit of time at the nest
Kara gives begging calls right after being fed on the roof of the bank
Percy & Kara feed together at the nestbox
Kara floats down to a light pole
Percy chases after Kara
Astrid visits the fledglings on their night perch

Tuesday, June 21, 2022 – Percy and Astrid Complete Mid-air Food Transfer & Fledglings do More Sparring

Percy takes prey from Astrid in a mid-air food transfer
Percy takes prey from Astrid in a mid-air food transfer
Astrid hazes the State Building – someone was probably on the roof
Kara and Percy do a lot of playing on the State Building roof
Kara and Percy spar over the canyon
Astrid and Ares escort Percy following the food transfer
Ares hovers over the State Building roof with food for Kara
Percy comes to the nestbox
All four falcons on the hotel ledge
Percy with food on the bank roof

Monday, June 20, 2022 – Kara and Percy Begin Sparring with Each Other

Kara and Percy begin sparring
Kara on the bank roof
Kara and Percy on the hotel – she’s feeding
Kara flies over the canyon
Percy comes in for a landing between Kara and Ares
Percy ups Ares from the hotel ledge
Astrid on the bank roof
Astrid on the hotel
Percy and Kara do some more sparring

Sunday, June 19, 2022 – Kara Flies Again (24-hours post fledging) & Percy Does His First Mini Stoop

Kara runs up to Astrid on the bank roof
Ares brings Prey to Kara – Percy drops in from above
Northern Mockingbird being highly territorial near the hotel
Percy chases and spars with Astrid
Kara on the bank roof
Percy does his first mini stoop
Kara gets some rest on the bank roof – a lot of rest
Percy flies high over the canyon