Thursday, February 24, 2022 – A Couple of Intruders, a Couple of Matings, and a Couple of Food Exchanges – Lots Happening!

The overnight period was bitter cold – temperatures were in the low double digits. At least the wind had died down. Once the sun came up, Temperatures eventually creeped into the 20’s. We noticed our first falcon of the day at 6:20 AM. It was on the lower east facing ledge on the hotel. We assumed it was Astrid – it certainly looked like her and she appeared to be in hunting mode. Ares screeched to the nest box at 6:25. He started giving squeaking calls in the box as if he saw his mate. The problem being, he couldn’t possibly see her because the hotel is not visible from the box. We were confused. The falcon on the hotel ledge came away from the edge of the ledge and moved to a spot up against the wall where it became nearly invisible. At 6:36 AM we noticed that Astrid was on a window ledge to the east of the nest box, so who was the adult female Peregrine on the hotel? Certainly, our pair wasn’t aware of its presence. At 6:41 the stranger dove off the ledge, probably after prey. She must have flown north or west, otherwise A&A would have seen her fly through. As it happened, they didn’t react. At 6:54 Ares flew from the box and Astrid tucked in on her window ledge. He spent about five minutes on the steeple and then he was gone. Astrid flew from her ledge at 7:08.

At 7:34 AM Astrid was on the west veranda. Ares came to the box with prey and gifted it to Astrid. She flew off with it in her talons. At 7:49 Ares was in the nest box calling for his mate. She wasn’t anywhere that we could see. Soon he was gone too and we didn’t see either of them for nearly two hours. At 9:40 Ares came to the box and made a scrape in the pea gravel. He flew out 15 minutes later but came right back with Astrid right behind him. The pair then did a very sedate ledge display – it was more of a standoff than a dance. He did a cowabunga dive out of the box at 9:57. She stayed in the box for a few minutes and did her own scrape – pretty much on top of the one he had dome earlier. After that Astrid moved out onto the east veranda. There she tucked in and positioned herself in the shade. It was sunny but still cold, so we were surprised that she didn’t want to remain in the sun. At 12:16 PM Astrid went to a steeple perch. Five minutes later she was back to the box and calling loudly. She was calling out to Ares – wherever he was. She then started doing some housekeeping chores. She bit vigorously at the lip of the box and then she started digging in the stone in the back corner. It’s not clear what her aim is when she behaves like this, but I think she has the instinct to add debris to the floor of the box. She knows she needs material built up on the floor of the nest for the eggs to sit in. Of course, Peregrine Falcons didn’t evolve with people providing beds of pea gravel on their nest ledges, so she retains the compulsion to create her own “gravel”.

At 12:32 PM Astrid was gone from the box. By then Ares was on his lookout post on the top of the State Building. A moment later he zoomed back to the box. At 12:50 Astrid landed on a window ledge east of the nest box. This got Ares very excited, and the pair began conversing. She asked to mate. He did his cowabunga dive from the box – boomeranged back, but had to abort the mating. She had turned and tucked into the ledge at the last moment and skuttled his approach.  He went right back into the box and began giving squeaking calls – inviting Astrid in for a ledge display. At 1:14 he was giving long calls from the box. She came over to the east veranda. Five minutes later, Areas gave a loud, harsh, cackle-type alarm call. He saw an intruder and scrambled after it.  Astrid followed right after him. We couldn’t see them or the intruder with the PTZ cams but we assume they were escorting some non-Peregrine raptor out of the territory. For Peregrine intruders, the falcons give very different alarm calls. Only two minutes later Astrid was back at the nest box and calling. Ares arrived after ten minutes and the two had a conversation – he was in the box and her was on the crossperch. She was asking to mate again. They did and this time it was a success. At 2:42 PM Ares returned to the box with prey. He gave it to Astrid and she flew over to the hotel to eat it. After wiping off his bill, he joined his mate on the hotel ledge and perched near her as she fed. They both spent the next hour on the ledge soaking in the sun. It was a very sunny afternoon. He came back to the box at 4:00 and she remained on the hotel a while longer. At 5:09 PM she was on the crossperch and requesting another mating. He was in the box trying to persuade her to come in for a ledge display, but he acquiesced to her wishes and the two mated once more. She was up from the box at 5:15 and we didn’t see either of them for the rest of the evening. Good night falcons.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022 – The Falcons Return to Winter Mode – Little Breeding Behavior Noted

Ares waits in for Astrid to join him for a ledge display at the nest – she stands him up

It rained off and on during the night and the wind was near constant. Temperatures were close to 50 degrees in the early morning but dropped during the day into the high 20’s. The windchill made it seem much colder. Unlike on Tuesday, the falcons didn’t seem to be in an amorous mood and no matings were confirmed. Ares showed up at the nest box at 4:30 AM. He called a few times to Astrid who was barely discernable on a high perch on the State Building. He wasn’t at the nest for long and soon plunged back into the darkness. At 6:15 Ares screeched to a landing on State Building. He didn’t remain there for long either and was next seen up on his lookout post on the northwest corner of the State Building roof. Five minutes later he floated into the nest box and started giving squeaking calls. He was talking to Astrid, although we couldn’t locate her with the PTZ cameras. After only a moment, he spread his wings and let the wind carry him away. He then dashed off to the west. At 6:52 both Peregrines came to the box at the same time. She flew off after only a few seconds on the crossperch and he followed a minute later. At 7:08 we heard Ares giving long calls from somewhere, but we couldn’t find him.

At 7:37 AM Astrid was on the ledge of the hotel. She had caught a Pigeon and was feeding on it. Her mate was two feet away from her on the same ledge, but he wasn’t bothering her for a share. The wind was so strong that our PTZ camera shuddered constantly, and we couldn’t get a clear image of the birds. After Astrid fed nonstop for almost a half hour, Ares walked over and claimed a hunk of the leftovers. She was still feeding but allowed him to take half of what remained. By 8:10 she had flown off, leaving him to clear the plate. Ten minutes later she was on the State Building. At 8:23 Ares came to the box and began calling to Astrid. He was asking her to come over to partake in a ledge display, but she showed no interest in the idea. In fact, she was well tucked in on her ledge. Ares soon sailed across the canyon and took a perch adjacent to hers. At 8:52 AM he blasted into the nest box giving chirping alarm calls. Astrid was also calling. Obviously there was an intruder active in the canyon. Ares zoomed off to the south in pursuit, but was back to the box only a minute later and still upset. He left again in a hurry. At 9:09 Astrid was back on the State Building and he was once again calling in the box. Although this time his calls were intended to coax Astrid into dancing and not due to the presence of an interloper. At 9:27 Ares made a stop at a ledge on the east face of the Adirondack Bank Building. He was only there for a few minutes and then went back to perch near his mate.  At 10:52 he was back to the nest and calling, but Astrid still showed no sign of leaving her perch. Five minutes later he was up and out of view. At 11:34 a cold rain was falling, and he was back to the State Building with Astrid. As it happened, he was up and back again three more times before 1:00 PM. All the while Astrid kept to her perch.

At 1:06 PM Ares floated back to the nest box. The wind was really howling by this time and freezing rain was coming in sideways. He had prey in his talons. He hopped onto the floor of the box with it and called across the canyon to Astrid, but she didn’t budge. She had eaten most of a Pigeon earlier, so she wasn’t apt to be lured over with the promise of a meal. Ares then flew up to her ledge and gifted it to her in person. She accepted it; dove off her ledge, and flew like a dart towards the hotel. I moved the PTZ 1 camera over to see her there, but there was too much ice on the lens housing. We couldn’t see anything at all. Ares went back to his high perch on the State Building. She finished eating (or storing) her meal and returned to the State Building at 1:25. When he saw her, Ares shot back to the box. Once again he called to her to come over for a ledge display, but it just wasn’t happening. Astrid was in no dancing mood. Essentially, she had reverted to winter mode, which entailed lots of hunting and sleeping and very little ledge display action. Ares went back to the State Building just as the sideways blowing freezing rain turned into sideways blowing snow.  At 4:26 Ares returned to the nest and tried to convince Astrid to come over one more time, but it was to no avail. By 4:39 PM both falcons had gone off to their night perches. Good night everyone.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022 – Nine Matings, a Food Exchange & An Intruder

The morning started out mild with temperatures in the mid 30’s. There was a high cloud cover with breaks of sun. Ares showed up at the nest box at 6:18 AM. He came in with his usual screech and followed that up with a chorus of squeaking calls meant for his unseen mate. We noticed that he had a full crop which meant he must have eaten recently – a nocturnal meal. At 6:21 Astrid showed up on a ledge west of the nest box and the pair shared some conversation. Five minutes later she made a dramatic dive after something – probably prey. At 6:53 she was on the east veranda and Ares was in the nest box. Moments after we heard Ares’ mating chatter; they had mated on the veranda. They mated again at 7:15. Fifteen minutes later Ares was at the box again and she had moved to the west veranda. An additional mating occurred at 7:58. The pair were obviously on a roll! At 8:55 AM Ares was back at the box and giving long calls. He wanted her to come into the box for a ledge display, but she was tucked in on the west veranda and wasn’t in a dancing mood.

At 9:52 AM Ares was giving long calls from the box again and Astrid was having quiet time on the west veranda. Twenty minutes later she had moved over to the east veranda. She was inviting him to mate and he was still trying to entice her into the box. Her way prevailed and another mating took place at 10:19. Ten minutes later, Ares brought Astrid a food tribute. She accepted it and flew over to the hotel to eat it. It appeared to be a Starling. At 10:44 she flew back to the bank building and perched on a ledge to the east of the nest. Ares was in the box. They mated on the ledge at 10:49. Afterwards, Ares west to his favorite pillar perch. We thought Astrid snuck away at some point, but she had only tucked in on the ledge and wasn’t visible to our PTZ camera. At 11:08 she started calling and Ares responded with his own excited vocalizations. A minute later she took to the air and sailed over to the hotel. Ares followed her and buzzed by her perch. She then flew right back to the nest box and landed on the long perch. There, she began to give very animated calls. We thought there may have been an intruder active in the canyon, but she was probably reacting to Ares flying and perhaps performing a flight display.

At 11:29 AM Ares came to the nest box. She was on the west veranda and the pair had a loud conversation. He did some work inside the box including making a scrape. The pair mated on the west veranda at 11:36. They appeared to be going for the record today. Indeed, they had mated 6 times to our certain knowledge, and it wasn’t even noon yet. Just before noon, Ares returned and landed on his pillar-top perch. At 12:12 PM, first Ares and then Astrid darted off – both heading west with purpose. At 12:18 he returned to the box and was immediately giving squeaking calls to his unseen mate. He then began calling louder like she was very close, but we couldn’t locate her. It’s likely she was performing a flight display for him. She landed on the west veranda at 12:20. They mated again ten minutes later. By 12:42 Ares was back to the top of his pillar. At 1:15 he became agitated and began giving high-pitched chirping calls. We couldn’t see it with our cams, but he was most likely reacting to a Peregrine Falcon intruder. Since Astrid was not reacting, it was likely a male falcon. Ares blasted off his perch, presumably to intercept the stranger. Astrid remained in place.

At 1:44 PM Ares returned to the nest box and looked none the worse for his adventure. Astrid was on the west veranda, signaling her willingness to mate. He appeared to take her up on the invitation. He dove out of the box, boomeranged back to the veranda, but then aborted his landing and veering back into the canyon. It was the first aborted mating attempt of the day. It had started raining by then and perhaps that effected the logistics. A minute later he was back up on his pillar. At 1:55 it was Astrid’s turn to blast off. She abruptly darted off to the east with great speed – probably after prey. She floated back to the box less than a minute later. Obviously, her foray had been unsuccessful. By 2:32 she had moved over to the west veranda. At 3:03 Ares was gone from his perch. We heard him screech from somewhere, but we couldn’t find him on the cams. Ten minutes later he had returned to his pillar perch. At 3:31 they mated on the west veranda. Directly following that, both falcons sat at the opposite corners of the verandas – in perfect symmetry. They were in guard position but also preening in the rain. The pair mated at 4:35 PM – as it happened it would be the last one for the day (number 9). Meanwhile, the rain was picking up. At 5:21 PM Astrid was on a window ledge east of the nest and Ares was at the box. By 5:37 both had gone – probably off to their night perches. Good night falcons.

The New Breeding Season Gets Underway in Downtown

Monday February 21 2022

Weather was mostly sunny for a change and warmer than it had been in recent days. Initially temperatures were close to the freezing mark, but jumped into the 50’s by the end of the morning. We were thinking the Utica Peregrines were running late with breeding behavior, but we were wrong. According to the previous years’ records, they were right on time. The first matings and food giftings usually take place at the end of February.

Today, Astrid showed up on a high perch on the State Office Building at 4:45 AM. At 6:20, we noticed that Ares was on his lookout post on the northwest corner of the same building. Fifteen minutes later, Ares screeched to the next box. He made squeaking calls and long calls to entice Astrid over, but she kept her perch. By 7:30 AM, he had joined her over there. After a stop at the box, Ares flew over to the hotel and took a perch on the lower ledge. He remained there in a sunny spot until around 10:00 when he went back to the box. At 11:35 we noticed that Astrid was on the steeple. Ares had been on the State Building, but then came back to the box and called to his mate. He did some fussing around inside the box and, at one point, he made a scrape in the gravel. A little after noon, both falcons were out of view.

At 12:49 PM, Ares was at the box giving short calls. Astrid was glimpsed flying by the bank building. Was she doing a flight display? A minute later the pair were engaging in a lively ledge display (dance) inside the box. After four minutes, he dove out and took a perch on the steeple. She remained in the box for a little while doing housework. At one point she also did a scrape. At 1:00 Ares dove after something – prey we presume. At 1:38 Ares was at the nest and Astrid on the steeple (the pair kept alternating perches today!) He left his perch at 2 o’clock. Twenty minutes later he brought part of a bird to Astrid and gifted it to her inside the box. She grabbed it quickly and adeptly and flew over to the hotel with it. Ares stayed on the crossperch for a few minutes and wiped his bill. It had been the first verified food exchange of the season. At 2:44 Astrid was on the steeple and Ares was at the nest box. They remained in place for well over an hour. At 4:40 we noticed that they had switched. It was Ares on the steeple and Astrid on the west veranda (we were starting to get confused!) A minute later, Ares flew over and the pair mated. It was the first successful mating of the 2022 breeding season. He returned to the steeple and Astrid stayed on the veranda. They mated again twenty minute later. At 5:32 she flew over to the State Building; she darted back and forth in front of the west face a few times and then disappeared. Perhaps she was doing a flight display. We couldn’t be sure, and we don’t know if Ares was someplace where he could’ve seen her. By this time the sun was going down, and the falcons were most likely off to their night perches. Good night all.

Help us keep this project going!!

We want to keep the live feeds ad free but need your help to do so.

Each year the cost to stream the live feeds without ads is $1500.00 and due to the age of some of the cameras and their constant exposure to the elements we would like to replace at least two cameras.

The whitewash and perch view cameras are our two oldest cameras and we would like to replace both with upgraded cameras similar to overkill and the veranda cameras. The cost to do that is approximately $1100.00

We are hoping to raise as much of the $2600.00 funding as possible, from viewers like you!!

If you can help us out please visit our donate page. Every donation matters!! If each fan donated just $1 we would exceed our goal.

Thank you everyone for all your support through the past 8 years!