
Now, I try not to rant too hard on Krauthammer, but he’s leaving me no choice. A couple of weeks ago it was the oil spill in the Gulf. That was the fault of environmentalists, by the way. (You didn’t know there were environmentalists working at B.P. or in the Minerals Management Service, did you?) Krauthammer’s argument on that score was essentially, shit happens – oil drilling is risky, get used to it. Moreover, those pesky greens made the government prohibit “safe” drilling on land and in remote places like the Alaska Wildlife Reserve, forcing those poor oil companies far out to sea and into deep water drilling in the Gulf. They couldn’t help it – the greens made them do it!  How else are they going to make piles of money other than by weaseling their way around our porous minerals management regulations and knowingly putting the entire southern coastline of the United States at risk? Oh, the awesome power of environmentalists! How the government and the oil industry cowers in their shadow! 

That was the last dose of goofiness. The most recent one was on Israel’s attack on a Turkish relief ship heading for Gaza, during which the IDF killed 9 people on board. Of course, in Krauthammer’s view, the attack was completely justified, taking up the usual line that the Israeli government has been following – Hamas has fired 6,000 or 7,000 rockets into Israel. Leaving aside the omission of any accounting of Israeli munitions fired at Gazans over a comparable period (with much greater human effect), Krauthammer proceeded to defend not only Israel’s blockade, but its occupation of all of the territories it seized in 1967 (including the Sinai) and its occupation of southern Lebanon for almost twenty years. You see, these were not occupations but forward defensive positions. Even long after anything that might be realistically termed a standoff or state of war existed between Israel and its immediate neighbors Egypt, Jordan, or Lebanon. So that should clear THAT up.

Also…  there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. This is one claim that is practically beyond comment. I suppose from his perspective – one of an individual who does not see Palestinians as human beings – the misery in Gaza probably wouldn’t seem like a humanitarian disaster. (What humans, right?) He also equates the blockade to that used by the allies against Nazi Germany and Japan during World War II. This is a comparison worthy of the fevered imagination of Glenn Beck – equating a powerless, virtually weaponless rump state like Gaza with two of the most powerful imperial military machines of the 1930s. In fact, a Nazi comparison would be much more appropriate for Krauthammer’s own comments. I imagine, for instance, that Goebbels would have no problem describing the invasion of Czechoslovakia as “forward-based defense.”

I’ve said it before, and it’s worth saying again. How the hell is it that a guy who’s been so bloody wrong over the years remains a published commentator in newspapers across the country, on television, and on the web? Send your answers here, friends.

luv u,


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