Tag Archives: bin Laden

Last resort.

Bin Laden has been found. Why doesn’t it surprise me that he was living in a luxurious gated community, not a cave? Used to better things, I suspect. Given the history of his involvement with the Afghan-Pakistani-American covert war against the Soviets in the 1980s, it is also unsurprising that he would make his home in the heart of perhaps the most militarized garrison town in Pakistan – a place literally crawling with ISI operatives, no doubt. It is simply inconceivable that at least some elements of the Pakistani military and/or intelligence services were not aware of his presence. (One wonders what the reaction might have been had he been discovered in a highly fortified mansion in a garrison village just outside of Damascus or Teheran.) 

The interpersonal connections between ISI and networks like Al Qaeda were built up over the course of decades. How else could such a notorious terror leader hide in plain sight, except by the same kind of tolerance shown to killers like Jose Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch?

Okay, so… that’s done. Now, when do we accord justice to those guys who used our military to destroy Afghanistan and Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands of people? I’m not suggesting execution, of course, but a trip to the Hague might discourage copy-cat criminals. I’m just saying.

Then there’s the question of killing Bin Laden’s brainchild, the bottomless Afghan war. Let us face it, getting stuck in Afghanistan is precisely what he wanted us to do. This is not guess work – he said it numerous times. (Rachel Maddow’s recent pieces on this have been pretty solid.) Bin Laden drew satisfaction from the fact that he had helped bleed the Soviet Union dry by supporting the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan and Pakistan during the 1980s. That wasn’t the first empire battered by such an adventure. He was confident that we would destroy ourselves with an open-ended commitment there. (Iraq was just a bonus coup-de-grace we administered to ourselves.)

The fact is, I can already hear Bin Laden cackling from his watery grave as we expend more lives and treasure on the fool’s errand that is the Afghan war, drawing funds from vital health care, education, public works – you name it.  It’s time that enterprise received what he got, before it finishes us.

Backroom deal.

Was there a ‘splosion? Kind of hard to tell around this place. If Bin Laden dropped by here, he’d probably say, “What the hell do they need me for? They’re kicking their own ass.” (Apologies to Richard Pryor.)

Just keeping it real here at the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill, as you might expect. During these hard times, it’s the same story everywhere, right? Making the ends meet in the middle. We’ve got the ends, but frankly… no middle. And if the ends justify the means, which they almost NEVER do, well then… um…. okay, I lost my train of thought. But no matter. We are doing what we do, and being what we be. That’s what Big Green is all about. That’s why we’re aboard her. RISK… RISK IS OUR BUSINESS. (Oh, Jesus… now I’m quoting Star Trek lines. Someone call the doctor! And make sure he IS a doctor, and not a mechanic. D’oh!)

So much for Marvin (my personal robot assistant) and his experiment with industriousness. Turns out he’s lazy and shiftless… just like all those OTHER robots. [Ed. note: Mr. Perry’s opinions are his alone and do not represent the views of the administrators of HammermillDays.com, its parent company, Hegemonic Records and Worm Farm, Inc., or anyone even tangentially associated with Perry who may be afraid, very afraid of robots.] Actually, Marvin has decided to hang up the bomb-sniffing robot gig, which is just as well. I think he’s focusing more on show business now. I saw him trying a “Renegade Robot from Mars” outfit on the other day. (Circus is in town, I hear.)

That’s not the only experiment in money making going on here at the mill. Aside from yours truly, everyone in this dump is trying to turn an easy buck. Probably the most worrysome is the mansized tuber, who has decided to try his hand at being a music promoter. He can credit his experience with us as having built up some expertise in those fibrous mental tissues of his, credibly or not. I understand his first client is a band called “Logo and the Positioning Statement”. Hardly a challenging first try, frankly. Sounds like the kind of group that markets itself.  

Hey – I just found a quarter in the sofa. Probably many more where that came from. Or not. (So much for optimism.)

Stuff and nonsense.

Just a few short takes this week. I’ve got a splitter of a headache – one of those neck and shoulder jobs. So my concentration is a bit compromised, but here goes.

Again-and-againistan. That Rolling Stone reporter who wrote the recent article on Gen. McChrystal has drawn a lot of criticism from various mainstream corporate press mavens. No surprise there. They are so obsessed with covering the ball-game stories – the ins and outs of policy making, careers, and personalities – that they neglect to examine these stupid wars that have been dragging on year after year. How closely have any of them scrutinized the rationale behind this policy?

Why the hell are we in Afghanistan? Our leaders say it’s to disrupt and destroy Al Qaeda so that they cannot plan new attacks on us. But to the extent that people like Osama Bin Laden are involved in operational planning for global terror attacks, all he and his pals need is a room (or a cave, but I suspect a room) big enough for a white board. Can anyone claim that we have denied him that in nearly nine years of war? Did our drones stop the Times Square bomber? (Fact is, they helped push him over the edge.) Where’s the story on that, kids?

No settlement. Despite Netanyahu’s fence-mending visit to the White House, there is no light at the end of the Israel/Palestine tunnel. His government is still strangling Gaza, still encroaching on more and more of the West Bank (in spite of the so-called settlement “freeze”, which is so conditional as to be meaningless). Old Bibi, like so many Israeli leaders, is beholden to the Frankenstein-like settlement movement that is a political lynchpin of his ruling coalition. Even if he wanted to close the settlements, he couldn’t (and trust me, he doesn’t want to). So the suffering goes on, and we keep underwriting it.

Gusher that keeps on giving. It’s been more than 70 days since BP blew a hole in the Earth, and the hemorrhaging continues. Do you sense a pattern here? Crises that never seem to end. This is a bad one. And yet, we shouldn’t pretend as though all of this oil, gas, and dispersant is spewing into a pristine Gulf ecosystem. According to the Coast Guard, millions of gallons of oil routinely spill into the Gulf every year – something like an Exxon Valdez size spill every three or four years for the past decade. Big as this blowout is, our problem is bigger than that. Let’s make the solution bigger, too. 

That’s all I’ve got. Bed time.

luv u,
