Tag Archives: El Paso

American carnage.

It is possible to kill people with your mouth, particularly when you’re president of the United States. I’m referring to the kind of rhetoric that has broad public impact rather than speech that sets deadly official policies in motion – both kill, and we should take both very seriously. In the wake of the El Paso shooting, it’s that first kind that calls for extra examination. A president’s public expressions of hate, bigotry, whatever, provide space for extremists and overzealous citizens to act.  Nixon called student anti-war protesters a bunch of bums, and before long we saw Kent State. Now Trump has done the same thing, except to a much more explicit degree.

As he did three years ago, Trump is centering his campaign on fear of brown immigrants. Not immigrants in general, you understand – he doesn’t seem to have a problem with people from Canada or “Normay”. The president claims repeatedly and consistently that the United States is being “invaded” by large numbers of undocumented aliens bent on committing serious felonies. He and his administration have implemented multiple scare campaigns about dark caravans moving northward, populated by Muslim terrorists and criminals from “Mexican countries”, your placid suburban backyard squarely in their sites. They have pushed for a Great Wall of Ignorance along the southern U.S. border, though I have yet to hear of any corresponding structure along our northern border (or, for that matter, around our airports, as that is how so many people who overstay their visas enter this country).

Photo of sociopaths posing with orphan infant

We’ve all heard the administration’s childish gaslighting on this issue, as well as that of their supporters in Congress. Good luck with that. They can’t run away from their own shouted words. They have been waving the bloody shirt since before they arrived in Washington … it’s a little late to claim that they don’t mean to rile people up with their contant talk of demographic Armageddon. In his poorly-crafted inaugural (honestly, Steven Miller is objectively the worst speechwriter ever to serve a president), Trump spoke of “American Carnage”. What we are seeing now is exactly that – a continuation of the mindless death toll generated by our gun-obsessed society, but also a resurgence of right-wing violence directed at the targets of Trump’s tirades. Ordinarily these movements fade during Republican presidencies, but this time around they know they have a friend in the White House, regardless of his hostage-video statements of condemnation against white supremacy.

This administration is an American fascist’s dream come true. Now all they have to do is keep him in office. That’s what we’re up against.

luv u,


False outrage.

Trump isn’t happy with the compromise plan being served up by the Congressional Conference Committee to Avoid A Second Pointless Shutdown. That’s certainly a good sign. Whenever Trump is unhappy about something, an angel gets her wings. Still, the Trump administration is always about fifty things in any given day, some retreads from previous cycles, some new bullshit, invariably something to get under nearly anyone’s skin. The things I probably found most irritating this week (and that’s always a hot contest) were Trump’s Texas adventure, the big speech at El Paso, and his sloppily calling for Rep. Ilhan Omar to resign. The former of these items was infuriating for obvious reasons; the latter more because it was dog-piling on criticisms of the Congresswoman from a broad swath of people, including many in the Democratic party.

Totally not antisemiticOmar is the perfect target for Trump. She’s a woman, a person of color, an immigrant from Somalia, and a Muslim who, like many Somali women, wears a headscarf. The orange-faced jackass has attacked all of those things separately on many occasions – by attacking Omar, he gets more bang for the buck. Would that he were the only one so eager to jump on her over an anti-AIPAC tweet. Democratic leadership really showed their ass this week, following up on their shameful support of Trump’s Venezuela policy from the previous week. A really poor performance. Still, Trump and Kevin McCarthy both get extra credit for crying antisemitism when their own track records on bigotry are unambiguously offensive. Both McCarthy and Trump made George Soros the bête noir of the mid-term campaign last year. Not subtle.

I don’t know that I would attribute fanatical support of Israeli government policy solely to receiving money from AIPAC, but Omar is right to call the lobbying group out, as they take an extreme right position on just about every aspect of Israel’s various domestic and foreign policy actions. Moreover, politicians from both major parties regularly try to out-do one another in their speeches before AIPAC conferences, trying to establish which of them does a better imitation of Netanyahu or someone further to the right flank of Likud. The problem is more with the politicians than the lobby, and their cravenness on this issue occurs in the context of an American foreign policy that is in lock-step with the Israeli government, regardless of what they do. That’s just bad policy, no matter what government we’re talking about.

Glad to see Omar give Elliott Abrams a pain in the ass. Somebody sorely needs to.

luv u,
