Active Late Morning in the Downtown Canyon

Astrid spent the entire night in the box, but again neglected to produce an egg. The pair were together at the box a few times in the predawn hours and even mated on the nest box perch in the darkness and fog. At dawn it was Ares turn to spend some time minding the homestead. Persistent snow and then rain through mid-morning kept pair’s activities levels low. Both loafed on State building for a while. As the precipitation slowed, Ares got peppier and the pair mated on the State Building at 9:20. He then retrieved most of a Woodcock from a ledge on the State Building and tried to give it to Astrid. She declined the gift and so, waste-not want-not, he partook of some himself. At 10:00, the Utica Peregrine Falcon Project held its first public walk of the season around the falcon’s canyon and the birds didn’t disappoint. Both flew around the Downtown area and, especially Ares, put on a really great show. The pair mated at the box and on the steeple. To the delight of all, they met at the box several times and performed a couple of ledge displays. Toward the end of our walk, an immature male Peregrine followed Ares as he flew in to join Astrid at the box! That was a surprise. The stranger was escorted out quickly and the resident pair reunited at the box and then on the church steeple. Through the afternoon we weren’t able to keep very close tabs on the falcons, but as far as we know, they didn’t seem very active. Ares made a few visits to the nest box and Astrid was occasionally seen perching on the State Building and the steeple. By evening, Astrid was back in the box and she remains there now at 6:50 PM as I write this update. Will she spend the night in the box again? Will anything else happen? I’ll say “maybe”.

An early morning get together at the nest box
The pair mated on the State Building in mid-morning
Ares brings in a Woodcock as a gift to his mate
He tried to temp Astrid to take the Woodcock by flying right in front of her with it
The pair comes together to the box
Ares picks at his talons – an unusual view from beneath the nest box
Ares dives out of the nest box following the pair’s ledge display
Astrid strikes an action pose on the steeple
Ares in all of his glory
Astrid calculates her approach to the nest site

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