Yet Another Cool Day in the Canyon – Lots of Quick Switches on the Nest

Utica Peregrine Falcon Update for April 17, 2018 –

Astrid coming on to the eggs
Astrid coming onto the eggs

Tuesday was yet another chilly day with snow flurries in the morning. Temperatures remained in the thirties. Astrid had taken over on the eggs on Monday afternoon at 3:02, and she remained in place until Ares relieved her at 5:41 AM on Tuesday. In other words it was another long shift for her. Ares had been on the State Building for at least 40 minutes before he came over to the box. She didn’t seem anxious to leave; at least, she wasn’t calling for him to come and switch. After leaving the box (at 5:41), Astrid perched on the State Building. She also did some flying, but kept returning to the building’s north face. At 8:35, the falcons switched out very quietly. Ares left the box and landed on the exact same ledge where Astrid had been prior to flying to the nest. An hour later, at 9:27, Ares brought a small prey item to the box. Astrid took it and flew over to the State Building with it. As Ares settled on the eggs, it was obvious he had somewhat of a crop, so he must have eaten as well. At 10:38, Astrid came back and the pair switched out again. Ares went over to the State Building as Astrid got comfortable on the eggs. At 12:05, Ares was flying high above the canyon and was probably on a hunting mission. Astrid called a few times from the box as he was gaining altitude. At just before one o’clock, Astrid began calling. Ares flew in and landed on the roof of the State Building – right on his favorite lookout corner.

A good view of the clutch
A good view of the clutch
Ares brings food for Astrid
Ares brings food for Astrid

At 12:52, Astrid got a little excited in the box. Ares was again at his lookout post on the State Building. He was gone again eight minutes later. Ares flew to the box at 1:47, but it was just an in and out box check. Five minutes later, Ares came back; this time they switched and he took over on the eggs. After being off cam for a few hours, Astrid was seen again at 4:11. She was perched on the State Building. At 4:40, they did another quick switch and Astrid took her place on the eggs. Ares was quite active after he left the box. He was seen flying towards the north and gaining altitude. At 5:21 PM, Astrid started calling. That’s often what she does when she sees Ares flying. He landed on a high ledge on the State Building and remained there for well over an hour. He had tucked in on the high ledge and we thought that perhaps he may have chosen it for his night perch, but then, just before 7:00, he flew. He was seen flying over the County building at 7:20, and then it was back to his rooftop look out. He could’ve been hunting or on watch for an intruder. We thought, probably the former. He just left as I’m writing this update at 7:32 PM. Off to bed now? Maybe.

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